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6 Poultry Production Systems for Successful Chicken Farming

First, we wish to thank you for choosing to read this article. Here, you will get a breakdown of poultry productions systems that work for most farmers in Kenya. The article is based on a published study carried out by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

A production system in poultry farming is the specific approach you take in rearing chicken based on the goals you want to achieve. The approach touches on the type of housing, feeds and breed that you keep at your farm.

At the village level, poultry farming production systems can be divided into three different categories: Traditional Freerange; Improved Free Range; and Small-Scale Confined rearing system. There are three other production systems, associated with far more commercialized poultry production: Confined in Deep litter; Contained with raised floor; and Caged poultry farming.

1. Traditional Freerange

In this type of production system, the poultry flock (between 1 and 10 chicken) is provided with no shelter, feed or water, even though they may receive occasional scarps from the farmer. The poultry flock finds its own shelter, avoids predators via its instinct and breeding is uncontrolled. In this system, local breeds are used. Vaccinations that may be administered only occur in the case of widespread epidemics.


  • The system produces few eggs which are commonly hidden

  • Meat yields per bird are small.

  • A high rate of chick loss as per disease and predators as well as theft.


  • Low input and cost of production

  • Good for home consumption

2. Improved Freerange

In this approach, housing is provided for the poultry flock, which is comprised of 5 to 50 birds on average, but commonly only as an overnight shelter and some supplementary feed is provided alongside the flock’s scavenging. Breeding is not controlled, but nesting is provided by the farmer. In this system, local breeds are used. In such a system some vaccinations may be provided


  • Lower cost of production

  • Good for home consumption and sale on the local market.


  • Even with supplementary feed, the system has slightly higher yields per bird.

3. Small-scale confined

Small-scale confined systems can come in many types and flock size is commonly between 50 to 200 birds. The main aspect is that the poultry flock is sheltered during nights and unfavourable weather. Some systems allow for fencing where poultry are free to scavenge in the permitted area. In this type of system, local breeds are used as well as improved breeds. In such a system the farmer provides water, feed and care when needed. Here eggs yields and meat carcass yields are higher than the improved free-range production system.

4. Confined in deep litter

In this system, poultry are confined permanently. The floor has a deep litter commonly composed of either wood shaving or hulls from rice and wheat, which are good at absorbing moisture. The litter can be up to about 15 cm deep. The birds are commonly improved breed and feed, water, nesting, medications and perches are all provided by the farmer indoors. Such a system requires a considerable investment per bird; yields in eggs and meat increasing accordingly.

5. Contained with raised floor

This production system is similar to that of the confined deep litter, the only difference being that the flock lives on a raised floor that is semi-open to allow for manure to drop to the floor below.

6. Caged or battery chicken farming

This type of production system is only used for egg production. Birds live in cages and can be placed in various types of buildings, pending on investments made by the farmer. Commonly birds used in such systems are improved breeds.

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